Part 2: Get moving with Activation Thoughts

I’m sharing a few more insights from my Lappin180 course—just for you.

Welcome back to the 13th issue of Disrupting Conversations!

I’m continuing to share insights from my exclusive Lappin180 high-performance course. In Part 1, I talked about how Anchor Thoughts can weigh you down and hold your performance back. In this issue, we’ll dive into what propels your performance forward, “Activation Thoughts.”

Activation Thoughts are powerful replacements for your Anchor Thoughts. They set you on a trajectory to handle the pressure of performing in the conversational clutch.

But there's a catch—you've got to be deliberate in your thought process, and learn to trust them.

🎙 If you haven't had a chance to tune in yet, don't miss our latest podcast episode. We're diving deep into the realm of mindset and its direct impact on outcomes.

Enjoy this issue, and if you have questions or feedback, don't hesitate to reach out right here.


Breaking Sales is my podcast to connect with those who are ready to break free from the chains of old sales methodologies that don’t work.

🎙 Changing Your Mindset Takes Practice

Let's talk about the transformative power of mindset.

Pam and I dive into how your mindset holds the keys to your outcomes. It's a fundamental truth: your mindset directly influences your results.

Here’s what you need to know: changing your mindset is a journey that demands practice. You've got to keep at it, repeatedly, until it becomes your second nature, preventing any backward slides.

Curious to learn more?

Listen in as Pam and I unravel the mysteries of mindset on our latest podcast episode.

Think Different (Part 2): How can we overcome our low-performance thoughts?

In my Lappin180 sales performance course, we embark on a structured journey, delving into various modules designed to enrich your performance and sales expertise. These modules cover mindset psychology, high-performance strategies, the psychology of building trust, and the process human beings (your prospects) use to debate and embrace change.

Today, I'd like to return to a fundamental and pivotal concept:


Think about your daily mental landscape for a moment. How often do you find yourself entertaining negative thoughts?

We churn out a remarkable 30,000 to 50,000 thoughts daily.

Surprisingly, a significant 85% of these thoughts are negative. What's more intriguing is that a whopping 90% of these negative thoughts tend to be recurring themes. It’s quite possible that you’ve been entrenched in the same anchor thoughts for 5, 10, or even 20 years. You’ve been stuck in a mindset characterized by scarcity, attachment, and low-intent.

But here's the game-changer—activation thoughts. These are purposeful replacements for those stubborn anchor thoughts that might be holding you back.

Why is this important? It simply reflects the universal law of cause and effect. Here’s how it works: Our thoughts drive what we say and do (or don’t say and do), which drives our results.

We hold back on asking a pivotal question because we either fear the answer, or how the other person might respond. The thought is the fear. The non-action is holding back on the question due to the fear. The result is that we limit our learning by not asking the question.

Activation thoughts play a pivotal role in influencing what you think and feel prior to an interaction, conversation, or the action you take (or don’t take). If your goal is to be your prospect’s respected peer and help them objectively debate change, this awareness process

will help you flip your thought script from a negative to a positive; thus, impacting what you say and your conversation results.

Activation thoughts sound like:

  • "My only responsibility is to help this person determine how and if they need help.”

  • “I’m not going to label or judge anything I hear - good or bad, it’s just information.”

  • "My role is to listen and learn first. My expertise only matters if they want or ask for it."

  • "I don't have to twist anyone's arm to change. My prospect needs to be willing."

  • “My best client and relationship is still out there.”

These thoughts are both deliberate and centering, when used effectively they will help you feel a sense of calmness, confidence, curiosity, and conviction. They will help you break free of that nagging internal voice that holds you back.

Remember an activation thought is not necessarily the final destination - it’s what empowers our mindset to minimize fear and maximize our action.

By disciplining our thoughts, we can direct our focus towards positive and productive thinking, which in turn can lead to the manifestation of our goals and dreams.

Itayi Garande

Change your mindset, change your results

Anchor Thoughts keep us trapped in low-intent, low-performance scenarios. There's a powerful antidote: Activation Thoughts.

By adopting Activation Thoughts, you're essentially bidding farewell to those repetitive negative notions, opening the door to a higher level of performance.

Thanks for reading!

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